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Vranov nad Topľou - Čemerné. Od 1 marca 2012 máme novú web stránku. Našej farnosti, na ktorej Vás radi uvítame. Mgr Peter Gavaľa - farár. Fotografia použitá podľa Creative Commons Shandi-lee. Vytvorte si web zdarma! Vytvorte si svoju webstránku zdarma! .
Skúška zboru bude v sobotu 15. Skúška zboru bude v sobotu 15. spievame na sobáši v Čemernom. Zobrať obaly na noty so všetkými piesňami, zborové šaty neberieme. Článok o zbore na www.
Svätý apoštol a evanjelista Ján Teológ. Tránke Gréckokatolíckej cirkvi farnosti Zvolen. Podporte farnosť pri zakúpení prvej farskej budovy. S miestom bohoslužby a pastoračným centrom! Naše spoločenstvo - časopis katolíckych farností vo Zvolene.
Puppy, Obedience and Rally. The Greater Racine Kennel Club. Classes for Dogs and People that Love Them. Proud to be serving the greater racine area since the early 1960s. Click on the calendar above to see the full GRKC schedule! We are a non-profit organization committed to training dogs and their owners, featuring both pet and competition training. We offer a variety of classes, practice times, trials and shows.
Soil and Groundwater impact from gasoline release, free product in monitoring wells. Soil impact from gasoline fuel release.
E-mail with us and get access to our Technical Articles as well as advanced notice of shows, events and special offers.
The dream project of Gobind Ram Kataruka Charity Trust came true with the establishment of the Gobind Ram Kataruka DAV Residential Public School at Purulia in July, 1989. Is it the big and grand building with signing name plates or boards or the result that it flashes in the end of .